How it Works

Brunch Body is an analysis driven, timed-based, fitness and lifestyle program designed to fit your schedule. By offering a comprehensive mobile application, you can conveniently track and manage your physical and mental health, promote resilience, and increase longevity.


Our foundation of sustainability is built on timing. Our calendar feature enables you to organize your time through the use of blocks to help build healthy habits and achieve your goals.


Journaling is the most vital part of our program. Our built-in journal feature is a space to measure and quantify your physical health and overall well-being. What gets measured gets managed!


We focus on nutrient timing, eating in a time-limited window that concentrates on breakfast and lunch. This enables you to see a more accurate caloric balance over a 24 hour period. The tools you need for tracking your dietary intake are provided in our app.


Tracking your physical activities are just as important as monitoring your diet. Our app is equipped with calisthenic based workout programs as well as the option to create your own programs giving you an estimate of your daily calorie output.


Our app provides you with all the analytical tools you need to accurately gauge your performance and make adjustments. The trend is your friend! Visualizing data makes it simple to see where that trend is heading. Now, it’s up to you to act!

How it Works

Brunch Body is an analysis driven, timed-based, fitness and lifestyle program designed to fit your schedule. By offering a comprehensive mobile application, you can conveniently track and manage your physical and mental health, promote resilience, and increase longevity.


Our foundation of sustainability is built on timing. Our calendar feature enables you to organize your time through the use of blocks to help build healthy habits and achieve your goals.


Journaling is the most vital part of our program. Our built-in journal feature is a space to measure and quantify your physical health and overall well-being. What gets measured gets managed!


We focus on nutrient timing, eating in a time-limited window that concentrates on breakfast and lunch. This enables you to see a more accurate caloric balance over a 24 hour period. The tools you need for tracking your dietary intake are provided in our app.


Tracking your physical activities are just as important as monitoring your diet. Our app is equipped with calisthenic based workout programs as well as the option to create your own programs giving you an estimate of your daily calorie output.


Our app provides you with all the analytical tools you need to accurately gauge your performance and make adjustments. The trend is your friend! Visualizing data makes it simple to see where that trend is heading. Now, it’s up to you to act!

Free Guides

We understand some people would rather opt for pen and paper. For your convenience we have provided elements of our app in PDF form below.

Free Guides

Nutrition Guide

Our free nutrition guide is loaded is valuable information to help you make the right choices in your diet selection.


Fitness Guide

Our Fitness Guide is focused on calisthenics and steady state cardio so you can workout from anywhere for free and eliminate excuses.


Micro Journal

This document take elements from the Nutrition Guide and makes them more printer friendly.


Manage yourself from your mobile device.

Download the app to manage your health, keep track of the progress and complete your goals. Stay on track and embrace the power of consistency!

Manage yourself from your mobile device.

Download the app to manage your health, keep track of the progress and complete your goals. Stay on track and embrace the power of consistency!

Get the App