Your Daily Journal Entry is a daily mental health check in.
Each entry asks the following questions:
“How am I feeling about this day ahead?”
“What is the most important task I need to do?”
“What traits do I need to invoke today?”
“Any additional thoughts?”

Asking yourself “What traits do I need to invoke today?” will help you focus on those attributes and help you stay conscious of your actions so that they are inline with your goals.
Adding Traits
Clicking the + button will prompt the favorites pop-up.

By clicking the + button on the favorites pop-up, you can add more traits either by typing or searching through the directory.
You can also add any new trait to your favorite section for quicker inputs.

Traits Directory
Abrasive | Clean | Exciting | Intuitive | Precise | Solemn |
Abrupt | Clever | Experimental | Kind | Principled | Solid |
Accessible | Colorful | Extraordinary | Liberal | Profound | Solitary |
Active | Compassionate | Extreme | Logical | Progressive | Sophisticated |
Adaptable | Competitive | Fair | Lovable | Proud | Spontaneous |
Admirable | Confident | Faithful | Loyal | Provocative | Stable |
Adventurous | Conscientious | Farsighted | Magnanimous | Prudent | Steadfast |
Aggressive | Conservative | Firm | Maternal | Punctual | Steady |
Agreeable | Considerate | Flexible | Mature | Purposeful | Stern |
Alert | Contemplative | Focused | Mellow | Quiet | Stoic |
Allocentric | Cooperative | Forgiving | Methodical | Rational | Strict |
Ambitious | Courageous | Formal | Meticulous | Realistic | Strong |
Amiable | Courteous | Forthright | Moderate | Reflective | Studious |
Amoral | Creative | Friendly | Modest | Relaxed | Stylish |
Anticipative | Cultured | Frugal | Neat | Reliable | Suave |
Apathetic | Curious | Generous | Neutral | Reserved | Subjective |
Appreciative | Daring | Gentle | Noncommittal | Resourceful | Subtle |
Artful | Decent | Genuine | Objective | Respectful | Sweet |
Articulate | Decisive | Glamorous | Observant | Responsible | Sympathetic |
Aspiring | Dedicated | Gracious | Open | Responsive | Systematic |
Assertive | Deep | Hardworking | Opportunistic | Restrained | Tasteful |
Athletic | Delicate | Healthy | Optimistic | Romantic | Thorough |
Attractive | Demanding | Hearty | Orderly | Scholarly | Tidy |
Balanced | Determined | Helpful | Organized | Scrupulous | Tolerant |
Benevolent | Dignified | Heroic | Original | Secure | Tough |
Blunt | Disciplined | Honest | Outspoken | Self-reliant | Transparent |
Brilliant | Discreet | Honorable | Passionate | Self-sufficient | Trusting |
Businesslike | Disruptive | Humble | Paternal | Selfless | Understanding |
Calculating | Dramatic | Humorous | Patient | Sensitive | Unpredictable |
Calm | Dynamic | Imaginative | Patriotic | Sentimental | Venturesome |
Capable | Earnest | Impressionable | Peaceful | Serious | Warm |
Captivating | Efficient | Impressive | Perceptive | Simple | Well-read |
Caring | Elegant | Incisive | Personable | Skeptical | Well-rounded |
Casual | Eloquent | Independent | Persuasive | Skillful | Whimsical |
Cautious | Empathetic | Innovative | Physical | Smooth | Willful |
Charismatic | Energetic | Insightful | Playful | Sober | Wise |
Charming | Enthusiastic | Intelligent | Polished | Sociable | Witty |
Cheerful | Esthetic | Intense | Practical | Soft | Youthful |
Saving Entries
Entries do not Auto-Save. Please make sure you press save on your drafts and edits.